The Compass project provides a ton of useful mixins for SASS , but over the course of many projects I’ve created a streamlined set that’s more useful for my day-to-day development.
My mixins prefix where necessary and I try to provide smart defaults. The naming convention is descriptive and not just a flattened reproduction of the CSS3 properties being used.
/* Commonly used mixins for CSS3 in SASS
by Ben Sargent (2012)
/* generically prefix any property name */
@mixin prefix($name, $value) {
-webkit-#{$name}: $value;
-moz-#{$name}: $value;
-ms-#{$name}: $value;
-o-#{$name}: $value;
#{$name}: $value;
/* for border-radius, named to be consistent with roundedcorner */
@mixin rounded($radius: 6px) {
border-radius: $radius;
/* used for rounding a single corner. eg. roundedcorner(top, left) */
@mixin roundedcorner($surface, $side, $radius: 6px) {
border-#{$surface}-#{$side}-radius: $radius;
@mixin boxshadow($horiz, $vert, $blur, $color) {
box-shadow: $horiz $vert $blur $color;
@mixin innershadow($horiz, $vert, $blur, $color) {
box-shadow: inset $horiz $vert $blur $color;
@mixin opacity($level) {
filter: alpha(opacity = $level * 100);
opacity: $level;
@mixin borderimage($image, $top, $right, $bottom, $left, $repeat: stretch) {
border-width: #{$top}px #{$right}px #{$bottom}px #{$left}px;
-webkit-border-image: url($image) $top $right $bottom $left $repeat;
-moz-border-image: url($image) $top $right $bottom $left $repeat;
-ms-border-image: url($image) $top $right $bottom $left $repeat;
-o-border-image: url($image) $top $right $bottom $left $repeat;
/* border-image: url($image) $top $right $bottom $left $repeat; removed since Chrome's implementation is fundamentally broken */
/* useful for semi-transparent borders which can have bleed-through. See */
@mixin backgroundclip($val: padding-box) {
-webkit-background-clip: $val;
-moz-background-clip: $val;
@mixin transition($property: all, $duration: 0.2s, $timing: linear) {
-webkit-transition: #{$property} $duration $timing;
-moz-transition: #{$property} $duration $timing;
-ie-transition: #{$property} $duration $timing;
-o-transition: #{$property} $duration $timing;
transition: $property $duration $timing;
/* if you need to transition a prefixed property, use this instead */
@mixin transition-with-prefix($property, $duration: 0.2s, $timing: linear) {
-webkit-transition: -webkit-#{$property} $duration $timing;
-moz-transition: -moz-#{$property} $duration $timing;
-ie-transition: -moz-#{$property} $duration $timing;
-o-transition: -o-#{$property} $duration $timing;
transition: $property $duration $timing;
@mixin transform($type) {
-webkit-transform: $type;
-moz-transform: $type;
-ms-transform: $type;
-o-transform: $type;
transform: $type;
@mixin animation($name, $timing: 0.5s) {
-webkit-animation: $name $timing;
-moz-animation: $name $timing;
-ms-animation: $name $timing;
-o-animation: $name $timing;